Software Consulting

With practice management software certifications and years of experience in IT at a law office, SoletScripts offers Software Consulting for Time Matters® Practice Management Software.

While this software works out of the box, it should be customized to fit your business. If properly configured it can make every office task faster easier and more effective.

We can set up your network and software to work specifically for your business, build security tables to protect sensative information and train employees on using the software.

In addition to Time Matters® Practice Management Software, SoletScripts can assist you in purchasing and/or configuring other office software to best compliment your practice managment software. We can set up cell phone synchronization and design remote access solutions to increase productivity "on the go".

To reduce office clutter and time spent searching for "that piece of paper I had yesterday" we can, with a little time, introduce partially or totally paperless systems that will clean up your desks, shelves, cabinets and floors and put your notes, documents and reminders back on the computer screen where they are easily searched for and found in a fraction of the time.

SoletScripts can also check your offices hardware, from computers to network printers to fax machines to servers to networking hardware, we can find technological bottle necks and if possible resolve them to enable you to work more quickly and spend less time waiting on your computers. If hardware needs to be upgraded or replaced, SoletScripts can assist you in making these purchases to ensure that you get the best, most affordable, hardware available.

In a perfect world, faxes come do your desktop, not a printer tray. Important e-mails get forwarded to your cellphone right away. Images, videos and audio files are a click away across your network, not lost in some stack of CD's some where. Color photographs are scanned in less than a second, not a few minutes. Documents are securely read from anywhere in the world, and all you carry with you is a small laptop, not a 10 pound briefcase. And most importantly, the computer finds the document you're looking for in a fraction of a second, no more rifling through file cabinets and sending employees to off site or basement storage.

SoletScripts can bring all these things to your office. And with your newfound productivity, you'll find that your upgrades and optomizations quickly pay for themselves.